
Beechcroft Infants School


Class 3

In science we have created posters explaining what plants need to grow. We have also grown some cress in different conditions eg. No light, no water, no soil to see what happened to the plant.

In DT we are planning to make healthy wraps. We have practised cutting foods safely with a knife, grating cheese and snipping foods with scissors.

In RE we made symbols/objects that symbolised a Christian and Islamic baptism. You might see a cross, font, candle, dates, jars of honey, gold, weighing scales, scissors.

Some photos from our Stanton Woods trip. We were following the minibeast trail and looked for human and physical features. It was very muddy!

We all looked great in red for Comic Relief. We spoke about why we dress up and 'we did' something funny' to think about why we raise money.

This week in PE with Mr Robertson we were practising our attacking and defending

Look at our fantastic Easter bonnets that were judged by Peter Rabbit!

In science we have been thinking about things that are dead, alive and never alive. We had great discussion about this. Do you agree with what we thought? We are now moving onto habitats and microhabitats.

In Geography we have been using an atlas and a globe to find Australia on a map. We are also learning the continents and oceans. We know a catchy song that will get stuck in your head!

We had a great time on our Australian Day. We looked fantastic in our costumes, we did some aboriginal art on boomerangs and we were lucky enough to have some Australian stick insects come to visit us.

In Maths we have been looking at equal groups and learning what ‘equal’ means. We then explored arrays and learnt that arrays have rows and columns. We are now able to tell you a multiplication number sentence from looking at our arrays.

We went to the church and learnt about the First Christmas. We made our own story booklet to remind us of each part.

Christmas Play 2023

Children in Need

In forest school we have been learning about the fire triangle and what three things we need to make a fire.

We acted out what Scutari hospital was like before and after Florence Nightingale arrived.

In Jigsaw we discussed our rights and responsibilities. Here we are showing that we are responsible for brushing our teeth, keeping ourselves hydrated, brushing our hair, looking after our toys, washing our hands and getting ourselves dressed.

This week we went on a material hunt around the school. We then talked about the suitability of materials, eg. Why a window wouldn’t be made of wood.
