
Beechcroft Infants School


Class 3

In Computing we have been talking about how we would feel in different situations online.

In Art we have been building on our fantastic clay skills. This year we are learning how to ‘impress’ into the clay which is where we make marks or patterns into the clay. We are also learning how to ‘work in relief.’ This means making a shape and sticking it onto the clay tile.

In Computing during our Unplugged Sessions we created flipbooks to tell a short story.

In Maths we have been partitioning two digit numbers into tens and ones. Some of us have been doing this practically and some of us written.

Year 2 had a fire safety talk from Wiltshire Fire Service. We learnt three things we needed to do in a fire and how to stay safe near water as well. It was a great fun, interactive session!
