
Beechcroft Infants School


Mission Statement



Mission statement

"Our abilities are encouraged, our strengths are recognised and our weaknesses are supported"

At Beechcroft, it is our aim to work in partnership with parents in order that children can reach their potential. It is our intention to create a loving and happy atmosphere in which the children and adults can work purposefully and effectively and one in which children feel welcomed and safe.

We aim for our children to:

Be happy, confident individuals

Be lifelong learners

Celebrate differences in each other

Include everyone and respect all

Develop an enquiring mind

Have strong core values 

Have high expectations of themselves and each other

Have excellent behaviour

We aim for the learning experience to:

Be creative and inspiring

Give high quality opportunities that allow children to make links, to make choices and take responsibility for their learning

Develop the whole child - social, moral, emotional and spiritual

Ensure that every child experiences success

Be inclusive - where all our learning needs are recognised

Deliver a broad, balanced and purposeful curriculum

We aim for the learning enviroment to:

Be safe and secure

Be open and welcoming

Excite and celebrate the effort and achievement of all

Nurture all


Values are things we believe in that help us to make decisions about how to behave. At Beechcroft we look at values in detail during our collective worship with the children.

The Values we believe to be important are:

Wisdom, Thankfulness, Friendship, Hope, Compassion, Generosity, Trust, Forgiveness, Courage, Compassion, Humility and Wisdom.

We have simplified these to make them accessible to our young children and these are displayed around the school:

We can say thank you

We can look after other people and the school

We are kind to each other

We can say sorry

We love to learn and do our best

We are honest and tell the truth

We can forgive other people

We can play safely and stay healthy

We listen to each other

We keep our school tidy

Our school is a happy place


All of these are reinforced through our school rules - Ready, Respectful and Safe

School Discipline:

The behaviour of the children is central to the success of the School. Children are encouraged to behave themselves in a caring and considerate way.  We actively encourage the children to use the Zones of Regulation to identify how they are feeling in the moment according to their emotions as well as guide them to strategies to support regulation.

They are encouraged to respect the rights of others and take care of the buildings and equipment. Ultimately we want children to develop initiative and responsibility for their own behaviour.

The school has a written policy on behaviour which parents may request to see. The emphasis being always on "praise for positive behaviour" rather than on the more negative "punishment for poor behaviour".

Rewards and Recognition:

As a school we believe in praise for positive behaviour and to recognise this we have a reward system for individuals, classes and the school as a whole.

Children are rewarded in class by verbal praise, stickers, a brick on the wall of fame and `Golden Time'. Stickers are also awarded by the Head Teacher and are very sought after!

A Golden Book is kept where names of individual children are recorded by their class teachers for their achievements, being kind to others or showing responsibility in other ways.


Children who display 'Over and Above' behaviour are invited to Hot Chocolate with the Headteacher.

At Beechcroft Infants we ensure through our school vision, ethos, agreed rules, curriculum and  teaching that we promote British Values as directed.

'ensure that they and the school promote tolerance of and respect for people of all faiths (or those of no faith), cultures and lifestyles: and support and help, through their word, actions and influence within the school and more widely in the community, to prepare children and young people positively for life in modern Britain'

For further information please see British Values at Beechcroft Infants School in our Information and News section.
